Stimulation & Midline/SL
Practice jump rope skills for a few minutes: singles, single leg, skipping, etc.
8 min AMRAP (slow):
30 second lateral plank walks
6 banded deadbug per side
20 seconds per leg of single leg box step-down isometric hold
A. Accessory: MIDLINE
Complete 4 sets of:
8 per side half Turkish sit up
15 per side Pallof press with rotation
30 second practice with handstand (see this video – keep foot on box)
30 second reverse salamander
B. Accessory: SINGLE LEG
Complete 3 sets of:
12 per leg hip airplanes
No rest
Rest 30 seconds
For time:
50-40-30-20-10 of:
DUs (or penguin taps or double the singles)