Upper Body Pull
5-10 mins of warm up activity focusing on core stability and shoulder activation.
Upper Body Superset
Complete one set of first movement, rest, then set of next movement, rest etc, until you have done 5 total sets of each movement.
1a. Strict/rack/sheet pull-up or row
8-10 reps
Rest 15 seconds
1b. Thumbs Down Lateral Raise
12 reps
Rest 30 seconds
1c. Alternating Bent Over DB Y-T Raise,
12 reps each
Rest 15 seconds
1d. Renegade Row with KB/DB/odd object
8 per arm
Rest 15 seconds
1e. Banded Hammer Curl,
20 reps
Rest 15 seconds
Metabolic Conditioning
15 min AMRAP
60 DUs (60 penguin taps or 180 single unders)
400m Run
10 thrusters (155/105 or heavier than usual or DB)