Context: Stimulation and Upper Body Push
A. Warmup with easy jog, shoulder/upper back activations
B. Strength
Option 1 (if have BB & plates)
i. Bench press, 5 sets of 5 reps, rest 1:30
Option 2 (no BB & plates, or limited)
Complete EMOM* x10 minutes of 3 banded bench press or floor press at 32X1**, moderate load; if you have a band, but no rack
C. Upper Body Superset: (Complete one set of first movement, rest, then set of next movement, rest. Repeat until you have done 4 sets total.)
C1. Pushups, 4 sets of 8-12, rest 30 seconds
C2. DB Front Raises, 4 sets of 12, rest 15 seconds (could also use a band)
C3. Strict Press, 4 sets of 8 @ 3 sec lowering, rest 30 seconds
(Use any implement! May need to do one arm at a time, pending equipment available).
Metabolic Conditioning
EMOM* x15
12 box jump/step up (24/20)
12 push press (95/65 or DBs 50/35)
2 TGU (add weight if safe & appropriate)
12 bent over row (may use DBs or BB – moderate weight)
30 seconds of broad jump
EMOM* = every minute on the minute
32X1 Tempo** is 3 seconds lowering to chest, 2 second pause at chest, explode up, reset