WL/SL & Development
Easy jump rope practice - single unders, single leg jumps, skipping, penguin taps, etc.
One set of:
8 slow air squats
5 per leg reverse lunge
8 hang muscle cleans with PVC pipe
8 hang muscle snatch with PVC pipe
B. Skillwork: OLY
Complete EMOM x8 minutes: 3 hang power snatch + 1 power snatch
Complete EMOM x10 minutes: 2 power clean + 2 jerk
C. Accessory: SINGLE LEG
Complete 3 sets of:
8 per leg single arm KB/DB contralateral front rack split squat, rest 30 seconds between sets
Complete 3 sets of: 6 per leg goblet Cossack squat, rest 30 seconds between sets
5 minutes of practice with kickstand cyclist pistol squat (squat to box as needed)
Complete a tabata (20 sec work/10 sec rest x 8 intervals) of each of the following (finish one before moving to the next):
DUs (or penguin taps or singles)
Cooldown: gentle hip & spine ROM & box breathing