Squat & Development
A. Warmup: Generally loosen up lower body!
3 sets of:
30 seconds loaded crawl
6 banded deadbug per side
1:00 sitting in bottom of your squat (maintain upright torso!)
B. Lower Body Superset: SQUAT
Complete 5 sets of:
B1. 8 reps of DB cyclist squats with 2 second lowering (“eccentric”) – use KB or DB
Rest 30 seconds
B2. 8 reps per leg of single leg (or B-stance) squats to box
Rest 30 seconds
B3. 30 seconds of goblet wall sit
Rest 30 seconds
B4. 12 per leg wall-facing skater squat jumps
Rest 30 seconds
Metabolic Conditioning
3 RFT (Rounds for Time):
9 DB squat cleans (pick appropriate weight – moderate to heavy)
9 bent over DB rows (same)
9 V-ups
Cooldown: gentle hip & spine ROM & box breathing